The Great Sun – Underlying Meaning and Values

June 18, 2010

Recently on one particular day when I was indulging myself in nature, I found out that the sun plays a role to instill meaning and values in our life.

The sun- An entity that burns itself to give us light and warmth that we may be able to see and do what we want to do and that we may not freeze from the coldness of darkness, to ensure that the earth’s ecosystem is in balance and functioning properly, to ensure that the solar system is in place. Its existence ensures life keeps going and that earth’s beings get the needs for survival (His love for us).

The sun is ever shinning brightly up the sky and yet how many of us actually appreciate the presence of the sun? (Our love for Him? Our awareness of His love? )

Yes, we do appreciate the sun at times, only when we can see the beauty that it displays – sunrise, sunset and its capability to paint the sky with breathtaking designs – something that is tangible (Wonders of life, great things He has done for us that we can see). Most of the time we only appreciate when we really take time out, be it holidays or getaway from the busyness of life. (Devotion of our time to Him, our reliance on Him in times of needs)

But when we are over-occupied by the pursuance of the life’s needs, be it its fulfillment, comfort or pleasure. The sun is saddened as it is forgotten, often being misjudged and takes the blame for what it has done when it is up in the sky.

Most of the time when we find the weather is hot, we grumble and at times when the sun hides itself under the rain-pouring clouds (storms in life), we rumble (for any inconvenience caused, traffic congestion, etc.).  The sun also takes mumbling complaints for causing sickness and illness especially skin cancer.

The sun does not intentionally cause harm to us human being. It is through human’s unawareness and inconsideration, the beings of the Earth and its environment are harmed (sinning), thereby causing the Earth(platform of judgement) to react in order to restore the harm and damages by wiping away barriers to the preservation of Earth’s environment, with the help of the sun as the ultimate moving force of the prosecution to ensure the continuity all other living beings on Earth.

To illustrate the prosecution:  The melting of Pole as a result of global warming which will cause many places to submerge underwater; the happening of disasters that are capable of mass destruction – an example – Haiti being a country filled with political violence and Cite Soleil, a district in Haiti being classified as ‘the most dangerous place on Earth’ by United Nations had being struck by the recent devastating earthquake.

Underlying meaning and values to comtemplate:

Can you see Christ resemblance in the sun?

His everlasting existence up in the sky, overseeing Earth?

Do we appreciate His love and sacrifice for us and are we really aware of  them?

How do we response to His love?

God created the world to in a unique way that He makes everything reflective of His Word and teachings as stated in the bible and  He makes our life a journey of questions, awaiting us to discover the meaning and wonders of the life He has given us through His revelation – a journey that really makes our life content, meaningful and interesting  – The beauty of Christianity.

It is through Christianity that I am able to connect everything with God and it is through His revelation I am able to see the reasons behind every event that has happened or is happening in my life. It is through the interaction with people around me and the trials, tribulations and difficult moments that He has given in my life that I’m able to understand more and more of Christ’s passion and His feelings and that I’m able to journey through the storms in life strongly by relying on Him and it is through Him that I grow and I’m able to obtain true peace.

Dear readers, I am someone no better than anyone but truly I say to you that it is by His grace and the immense love I received from Him that I’m able see the difference He has made in my life.

I just want to express that no matter which religion are you in or whether you have one or not, it is of importance that we can reflect and repent on the inferior side of our own upbringing especially our indulgence in materialism that may lead to sinning and judging.

Try not to judge as we may not know the real side of a person. Yes, at times judgements are needed but it should be exercised with care where our judgements do not lead to self-righteousness and prejudices. It is our judging nature that we brought a lot of people down and have them mistreated, I believe we too do not want to be mistreated or being brought down by people through judgement/misjudgement as well.  Additionally, even though we know about the bad facts one’s being, there’s always a reason behind his/her being (e.g. lack of love received from a person’s family or the way he is being brought up in the family). It is also by our judging nature Jesus is crucified. Who are we to judge but God?

At times, we find it hard to apply what is right in life due to the adversities we faced and due to our human nature but at the end of the day, it all boils down to ourselves, our mindset, our heart. A change is not impossible as long as we are able to let go of the ego that dwells within us and embrace love in everything we do and have faith in God and ourselves with the hope of making ourselves someone better and to be lifted up and share eternal life with God at the end of time. A change is not impossible as long as we pray.

I believe that love is the mother of all virtue and that with love comes our passion to do what is right, comes kindness, perseverance, patience, humility and to the extreme end – sacrifice.

Here in this post, I truly expressed my innermost feelings and thoughts to you and I shall conclude it with great love from me.


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