
May 7, 2010

“I love living life. I am happy.” says Nick Vujicic.

For someone like him who are able to say that, what more can we say?

Enjoy the following video that has touched and inspired me (thanks to my lecturer who showed this video in class today!) :

Well, how do you feel now? Our life is not so bad after all right?

Everyone is created for a reason, everything happens for a reason and Nick exists in this world for a reason –  to inspire us.

What we have experienced and are experiencing in life especially the brokenness, loneliness and the bitterness in life create joy, lessons and meaning in life that may inspire others and make a difference in both our life and their life provided we endure and persevere on through them.

Another point that can be extracted from the video is that we are reminded to offer help, in any form, to those in need and unfortunate especially people with disorders  such as Nick as they are often the forgotten and marginalised ones in the face of the world.

Thoughts to contemplate: What were my past responses when faced with trials, difficulties and hardships? Can you feel God’s love in our life? Am I appreciating the gift of life?

“It is not the end, it matters how you’re gonna finish. Are you gonna finish strong? You will find the strength to get back up.” – Nick Vujicic


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